Friday, June 18, 2010


Oh well. Those who know me will laugh at this. Ms. Organization missed her flight. Can you believe that? I actually misread the itinerary and saw the Atlanta departure as 3pm. So we were all ready and at the airline counter at noon; nice breakfast, car delivered to buyer, dogs picked-up by exporter agent, derm check done. But ooops..... connection to HK was departing at 3.. Atlanta was leaving at noon.. For the first time in my life, I missed a flight. Of all days and all flights. With my 12 pieces of luggage, 2 kids and exhausted from the past 2 months of organizing this departure.

It took 2 hours, 3 agents and a few tears (of frustration but who's telling..) to finally get re-routed tonight 9pm, via Boston. Overnight in Boston (thank goodness the airport Mariott had a room), and back on track tomorrow, same flight, same arrival time, just 24 hours later.

It could have been worse; at first the agent was talking about having to wait until the 19th to leave and pay $3000 a piece for coach tickets......But after a few more tears (yes sireee!....), the male agent probably couldn't stand it and somehow booked us on this new flight for only a small change fee. I could have kissed him - I didn't.... What an adventure.

The morale of the story: always be anal and re-check your flights the night before you leave...I will.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Off we go!

I am clearly not the "
techky" (how do you spell that?) type, and I really don't know why a blog might be a good idea other than the fact that it was recommended that I should post some of our adventures during the next couple of years for those who might have an interest in following us - or living vicariously through us (!) - who would have thought? We're not exactly the vicarious type.. But in any case, here we are, T-4 days, and we will be landing in Hong Kong.

So, as our family embarks on this adventure, we welcome your comments and thoughts and look forward to sharing our journey with you
! Keep in touch.

The Huyghes